01/21/2021 / By Ethan Huff
Word on the street is that all Trump supporters are violent domestic terrorists who hate American institutions so much that they are willing to storm the Capitol building in protest. The reality, however, is that the mainstream media is the real terrorist threat, as it has been trying to incite a violent overthrow of the nation for many decades.
An entire generation of American media consumers has been told by the likes of CNN and MSNBC that Congress, presidents, police officers and other foundational tenets of civil society need to be abolished. The fake news brigade has been goading viewers into hating the country and everything it stands for since it first came into existence, only to now switch its tune in a last-ditch effort to smear the president and his supporters.
Millions upon millions have broken the matrix and seen right through the charades. Still millions of others have not, and are completely in the dark about how they have been manipulated and lied to about who their real enemies are (hint: the Constitution is not your enemy).
It takes many years to cultivate the type of civil unrest that the media claims took place on Jan. 6. The same goes for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa riots that plagued our nation for months on end, all bankrolled by the very same people that are now pretending to care about maintaining “decency” and “civility.”
“Counter-terrorism experts suggest the median radicalization time is over four years long, with 10 percent of those studied taking a decade or longer to influence with extremist propaganda,” writes Raheem Kassam for The National Pulse, citing a 2016 study out of Brandeis University that found it takes about 52 months on average to fully radicalize someone.
Seeing as how President Donald Trump had not yet even taken the stage to speak at his “Stop the Steal” rally when his alleged “supporters,” who turned out to be far-left agitators looking for a fight, were let inside the Capitol building, there is no way the president can be blamed for what took place that day.
The mathematical science laid out in the Brandeis study points straight to the media as the responsible party for the Capitol “riot,” not Trump. The timing fits and so does common sense.
“If we track this timeframe back, it lands within a period of time when the media’s campaign against Congress was reaching a fever pitch, and only just as President Trump was emerging onto the scene,” Kassam explains.
“One could claim Trump’s ‘drain the swamp’ rhetoric contributed to the cavalcade of criticism, as outlined below, but it makes scant sense for thousands of Trump supporters to suddenly turn on the very same people they were defending a few months prior: the police.”
Despite all their whining and belly-aching about how scary it was to have to potentially face their constituents unannounced, politicians did not bear the brunt of the clash – police did. And conservatives are the ones who, generally speaking, support them, while the left wants to defund them.
The media is also guilty of projecting onto Trump what it has been doing to him and his supporters for years. Efforts to dehumanize Trump and his supporters while delegitimizing Trump’s campaign and agenda have been going strong for more than four years now unabated, escalating over time into a fever pitch.
The media’s assault on many other American institutions goes back even further. For at least the past decade, we have been getting a steady diet of anti-police, anti-law, and anti-Christ propaganda thrown in our faces on a constant basis. If it upholds order and stability, it is demonized.
“Guilty of precisely what they now accuse President Trump of, the media had embarked on a dehumanizing and delegitimizing campaign against American institutions over the course of a decade,” Kassam explains. “The latest, against the police, was its most brutal. But its longest-lasting was against the United States Congress.”
“The phrases ‘worst Congress’ and ‘worst Congress ever’ bring up tens of thousands of results on search engines, and Google trends shows the phrase obtaining spikes in user searches whenever the media has promoted stories of that nature … In other words, public interest in the phrase directly correlates with the media’s insistence on the matter.”
In accordance with the First Amendment to the Constitution, the media, along with all Americans, maintain the right to criticize Congress, the police, or whomever else they choose without persecution. The problem is when the media actively incites violence against American institutions while falsely accusing its political opposition of doing it.
During the Obama years when the electorate picked up a whopping 63 seats during the midterm elections of 2010, the media incited hatred and violence against Congress, whom the people elected, accusing it of blocking Obama’s “progressive” agenda.
Rather than support the will of the people as the media is now insisting Americans do in response to Joe Biden’s presidential election “win,” fake news outlets have time and time again rejected that will while provoking leftists to protest and riot. This makes any call by the media now for “unity” and “healing” laughably disingenuous.
Kassam’s full analysis of the study and its findings is available at this link. It is worth your time as it tells a completely different version of reality than the one being peddled by the lying establishment.
More news about staged false flag events like the Capitol “siege” can be found at FalseFlag.news.
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Tagged Under: antifa, Black Lives Matter, BLM, capitol, CNN, fake news, Leftists, mainstream media, media, msnbc, projection, Trump supporters, violence