News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Coronavirus CENSORSHIP: Entire media falsely claiming Zero Hedge doxxed scientist by simply naming him as paper author
The left-wing media is having a meltdown over an article recently published by Zero Hedge that speculates about novel coronavirus being a potential bioweapon that originated in a laboratory. Entitled, “Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?” the article explains how a November 18, 2019, “help wanted” ad put out by the Wuhan […]
By Ethan Huff
Joe Biden celebrated by left-wing media for fat shaming obese man who leads sedentary lifestyle… Biden rudely challenges him to pushup contest
During a recent campaign stop in Iowa, “No Malarkey” Joe Biden went on a verbal tirade against an elderly voter who questioned him about his son Hunter’s questionable business activities in Ukraine. Biden reportedly shouted the man down and actually fat shamed him over his weight, addressing him as “Look, fat…” rather than his actual […]
By Ethan Huff
NYT calls for Twitter to censor Owen Shroyer after he attempted to speak out against Nadler’s TREASON
The far-left New York Times is calling on Twitter to ban Infowars host Owen Shroyer for disrupting Monday’s House impeachment proceedings by livestreaming himself calling out House Judiciary Chairman Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) for committing treason. As to be expected, it was a tumultuous start to the week with Shroyer making his voice heard in […]
By Ethan Huff
Breitbart falls for fake news, falsely reports “anti-vaxxer” threw “menstrual blood” on California Senators… but that’s a lie
The mainstream media has been reporting that an “anti-vaxxer” from California allegedly threw a cup of menstrual blood from the gallery of the Sacramento statehouse down onto state senators during a recent hearing about medical vaccine exemptions, which Sen. Scott Weiner, a Democrat, quickly pegged as “evidence” that “anti-vaxxers are engaging in criminal behavior.” But […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing media falls for fake science “Trump rally violence” narrative that just got completely debunked by two Ph.D. students
Back in March, the left-wing news website Vox made the brazen claim that hate crimes have supposedly increased by 226 percent in counties where Donald Trump held campaign rallies. But a pair of Ph.D. students from Harvard University recently debunked that claim, exposing the alleged “study” that was used to back it as being methodologically […]
By Ethan Huff
Sec. 230 protections need to be stripped from Wikipedia, which is nothing but a smear machine run by coordinated corporate gangs
Now that Wikipedia has been exposed as little more than a pharma-pushing, truth-squelching disinformation racket that’s cloaked as some kind of independent online “encyclopedia,” the time is now for this obvious deep-state propaganda front to finally lose its Section 230 “Safe Harbor” protections. What we mean by this is that Wikipedia, along with many other […]
By Ethan Huff
Altering reality: Big Tech is desperately trying to cover up ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats while dishonestly trying to implicate President Trump
As the “pedo island” scandal continues to unfold, tech giants like Google are frantically trying to purge all posts and search results that threaten to expose ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats like Bill Clinton, and instead implicate President Trump as somehow being one of the perpetrators. Paul Sperry from Investor’s Business Daily broke the […]
By Ethan Huff
New public school “history” book teaches students that President Trump is “mentally ill,” supporters “racist”
The government indoctrination racket known as the public school system recently became a little more “progressive” with the addition of a new “American History” textbook published by Pearson Education, which describes President Trump as “mentally ill,” and his supporters as “racist.” Entitled, By the People: A History of the United States, this compendium of leftist propaganda […]
By Ethan Huff
Pharma-influenced media repeatedly attacks Miracle Mineral Solution as “toxic bleach” but never mentions how chemotherapy is derived from mustard gas
The Guardian, a mainstream propaganda outlet based in the United Kingdom, recently ran a hit piece blasting a Christian missionary for distributing a natural remedy known as Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, to malaria patients in Uganda for free, erroneously describing it as “bleach.” Writer Alon Mwesigwa repeatedly insinuates in his article that New Jersey […]
By Ethan Huff
Fake news factory “The Daily Beast” falsely labels Jessica Biel an “anti-vaxxer” when she only advocates for personal medical choice
The left-wing media machine has launched yet another fake news crusade, this time against the beautiful Jessica Biel of Hollywood fame. For the “crime” of speaking out against a proposed new bill in California that would potentially ax even medical exemptions for mandatory vaccination, Biel is now being dubbed an “anti-vaxxer” by the likes of […]
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