News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
How Microsoft is engineering massive, nationwide criminal election fraud with the help of a shady browser plug-in called “NewsGuard”
There’s a “new kid” on the emerging tech block that’s really just an old kid trying to reinvigorate its dying corporate name by developing new Big Brother web tools aimed at controlling and censoring the free-flow of information online: Microsoft. As we’ve been reporting, the Bill Gates empire has introduced a new browser plug-in known […]
By Ethan Huff
BEHOLD, the two-tiered fact-checking system designed to deceive America
In the Age of Trump, “fact-checking” has become second nature to the lying mainstream media (MSM). Fake controversies abound over pretty much every nuanced statement that the President has ever made, as fake news outlets everywhere desperately try to paint him as a chronic liar in order to reiterate the make-believe fantasies that these same […]
By Ethan Huff
NewsGuard censorship plug-in labels confirmed media HOAXES to be “credible” news, while blacklisting all independent media
One of the latest assaults against online free speech is a new Microsoft product known as “NewsGuard” that the company has branded as a helpful tool for internet users to discern “fake” news from “credible” news. But the browser plug-in actually functions completely contrary to this, classifying all independent news as “fake” while propping up […]
By Ethan Huff
Left-wing media’s smear of high school students who were harassed by Native American activist proves yet again that mainstream media is FAKE NEWS
Now that there’s no denying that the Covington Catholic High School boys falsely accused of harassing and taunting a Native American elder during the “March for Life” event in Washington, D.C., were actually the victims of such from not only the elder in question but also a group of racist, anti-white black supremacists, many people […]
By Ethan Huff
INSANE CNN reporter now claims Covington students’ HAND gestures screamed “ni##er” when no such words were uttered… desperate media now fabricating everything they report
Now that the mainstream media’s Covington Catholic High School hoax has been completely debunked as fake news, fake news ringleader CNN is trying another desperate approach, claiming that hand gestures one of its reporters observed in video footage of the incident were somehow code for the word “ni##er,” which in turn proves, according to CNN, […]
By Ethan Huff
America’s major media outlets are now making up EVERYTHING they report… four huge media hoaxes blow up in their faces
We’re not even through the month of January, and the mainstream media has already been caught in at least four fake news reporting scandals thus far this year – most recently and notably the Covington High School fiasco at the Lincoln Memorial. Even as they whine and moan about being called fake news, fake news […]
By Ethan Huff
Catholic leaders dump all over their own youth to appease the lunatic Left… the truth no longer matters to the Church
Not to be outdone by all the brain-dead celebrities and zombie media pundits spreading endless fake news, a slew of Catholic clergy from all across the country has reportedly come out, one after another in lockstep, to condemn the Covington Catholic High School boys who are being falsely accused of taunting a Native American elder […]
By Ethan Huff
NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch calls out Sheriff Israel’s “cheap shot” against her
Back in February, National Rifle Association (NRA) spokesperson Dana Loesch participated in a Town Hall put together by CNN where she was heckled, threatened, and even told by fake news talking head Jake Tapper to leave the venue with an escort for her own safety – all for merely speaking out in defense of the […]
By Ethan Huff
NBC News knew “creepy porn lawyer” Michael Avenatti was spreading fake news against Brett Kavanaugh, but didn’t report it
It turns out there was a fourth woman besides Julie Swetnick who “creepy porn lawyer” and charlatan Michael Avenatti falsely claimed was victimized by the Honorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh back when the two were in high school. On October 3, 2018, Avenatti tweeted about this fourth accuser, attaching a sworn statement claiming that she was […]
By Ethan Huff
Brighteon.com segment exposes corrupt mainstream media for hatefully bashing UK journalist Tommy Robinson following his release from prison
The deep state media in Great Britain and elsewhere is shamefully taking swipes at independent journalist Tommy Robinson, who was recently set free from a horrific prison experience after being illicitly jailed simply for fighting for the rights of his fellow countrymen who are being targeted for elimination by an aggressive Islamic takeover. The Planet […]
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