Wednesday, September 19, 2018 by Lance D Johnson
In their quest to eradicate “hate” from the U.S., the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has started working with financial institutions to ban online platforms that represent conservative beliefs. Leftists want compliance to their ideas. Any political discourse that doesn’t support their ideas can be cited as a threat, as “hate speech.”
The SPLC’s mission has turned to coercion and force, to suppress ideologies they don’t agree with. The SPLC has been working with PayPal, Square, and Stripe to control online payment processing of their ideological targets. Anyone who opposes the SPLC could be targeted, especially startups created by Trump supporters. The SPLC has cast Trump supporters as “hateful” “racist” and “xenophobic” even though there is no evidence to suggest these stereotypes are true. Dissent, difference of opinion, and the actions needed to protect U.S. sovereignty and property rights are not “hatred.”
Platforms created by Trump supporters are being targeted and the founders and CEOs are speaking out about it. These targeted platforms include Bitchute, a YouTube competitor, MakerSupport, a Patreon competitor, and FreeStartr.com, a Kick starter competitor. The Silicon Valley leftists want to monopolize and control the marketplace by censoring and banning their competitors. They are doing this by convincing the public that their competition is “racist” and “hateful.”
Charles C. Johnson, CEO of FreeStartr, is calling out Stripe for its politically-motivated payment processing bans, which are fraudulent anti-trust maneuvers conducted by radical left operatives. “Stripe, by barring FreeStartr.com, is denying all of the people who have raised money and all of the people who might raise money their day in court. It’s un-American,” says FreeStartr CEO Johnson.
“Stripe, PayPal, and Square are working with the Southern Poverty Law Center, a discredited [organization] linked to at least one terrorist organization. The way the Southern Poverty Law Center works is that they declare everyone whose politics they don’t like to be Nazis or racists.”
Johnson called out Stripe employee Edwin Wee, who is a Democratic political operative who targets and bans those he disagrees with. Political operatives like Edwin Lee are working throughout Silicon Valley to stifle any dissenting voices and startup ventures. As Johnson writes, one cannot simply just go and create a competing company in Silicon Valley. If you are a conservative, libertarian, or a Trump supporter, you’ll be targeted from day one. Johnson states, “I am thoroughly convinced that if action isn’t taken in the very near future, our politics will be permanently [tilted] to the far left for the foreseeable future. Ask your congressmen, your friends, to speak out on this issue and take necessary corrections.”
Mob mentality spreads like wildfire across the internet, and platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google can be used to funnel mass fervor, while perpetuating unsubstantiated and untrue claims about an individual or business. When Twitter mobs strike, they can force people off their platforms, target the individual’s employment, or worse, until they get their way. When the SPLC declares an idea they don’t like to be “hate speech,” the mobs of believers follow suit, spreading defamation across the internet. This coercion is carrying over inside left-leaning payment processing institutions such as Stripe, which now bans financial transactions of conservatives who have been wrongfully labeled as “hate groups.” These witch hunts for hate groups and hate speech are not based on any standard or due process. This targeting is based on leftists not getting their way. The left will continue to use force through the Silicon Valley tech giants to demonetize, defund, and ban their opposition – until something is done to stop them.
The real hate emanates from the SPLC and their tactics of control and manipulation through the financial institutions. The real hate stems from the left’s desire to force their ideas on others.
For more on this topic, visit FirstAmendment.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: anti-trust, bias, Censorship, coercion, de-monetization, discrimination, due process, financial bans, force, Hate speech, information control, Silicon Valley, Southern Poverty Law Center, suppression, thought control, Twitter mob