11/12/2019 / By JD Heyes
The Washington Post did what it does best following President Trump’s announcement late last month that U.S. Special Forces operators had found the murderous leader of ISIS and were hot on his trail before he detonated a suicide vest and killed himself, along with three of his kids.
The paper crapped on America and Americans in its never-ending quest to criticize the president at any cost.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the late leader of the Islamic State, was a mass murderer, a serial rapist, and an all-around evil man. Under his “leadership,” ISIS killed thousands of people and all because they didn’t want to conform to the group’s strict Islamic rule.
The Post didn’t describe al-Baghdadi that way, however. No. The Post’s obituary described him as an “austere religious scholar” who really didn’t want to be such a lousy human being in the first place but, heck, stuff just happened.
It was a disgusting display of favoritism for a tyrant and a killer who cared nothing about the lives of men and women who worshiped a different god or who refused to be conquered and ruled like slaves.
The Post once again outraged tens of millions of Americans this week when the paper reported on the fate of nine Americans living in Mexico who were slaughtered by Mexican drug cartel killers.
Rather than simply report that they were followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — Mormons, in other words — the paper hideously (and incorrectly) described them as “religious fundamentalist settlers.”
Peaceful Mormons are "religious fundamentalists"
ISIS terrorists are "austere religious scholars"
The absolute state of the mainstream media. This is why you are loathed and distrusted. pic.twitter.com/ROBROPjHNz
— Garbage Human 🗑 (@GarbyJooman) November 6, 2019
Got that? Murderous authoritarian Islamic terrorists are “austere.” They are “religious scholars.”
A faction of Christian believers? “Fundamentalist settlers.”
It’s no wonder the vast majority of Americans neither trust the Washington Post and the rest of the “mainstream media” nor respect the vanishing art and profession of journalism.
It’s not about truth-telling anymore or holding the powerful to account. Today’s corporate media is mostly populated with Left-wing Marxist-Communists who hate their own country because they’ve been taught to hate it by similar-minded academics who run the journalism schools.
Then again, most people who choose journalism as a career these days do so because they know it’s a bastion of Left-wing political thought. Every article, every story, no matter how long or how short, is another opportunity for these mindless partisans to advance a political agenda that is completely anathema to, and destructive of, our founding principles.
The Washington Post is run by people who long ago surrendered what was left of their journalistic ethics to embark on a mission to destroy this country as it was intended to be. No lie is too big. No anti-American statement or sentiment is too outrageous. No traditional value too precious to leave intact.
Everything “American” must go. Every pillar of society that has any ties whatsoever to the society our founders bequeathed to us must be attacked, smeared, dismantled, and replaced by something foreign, unrecognizable.
Good is bad. Evil is good. Traditionalism is “nationalism” and “bigotry” and “racist.”
And President Trump embodies all of those things to these lunatics, so nothing he does or will ever do will be good enough for the Post to report on accurately and honestly. Same for the rest of the Washington establishment media. (Related: As global wave of Islamic violence targets Christian churches, left-wing, Satanic media stay silent.)
Like the president says, that makes the mainstream media an enemy of the state. They are attacking the core elements of our republic with the same objective as an armed occupying army: To destroy us and replace our system of government with authoritarianism, tyranny, and sadism.
It’s why they oppose ‘independent’ media. It’s why they support any an all attempts by the social media behemoths to censor and ban any voice, any viewpoint, any story that doesn’t come from them.
ISIS was evil. Its leader was evil. Mormons are peaceful people who didn’t deserve to be slaughtered on the side of the road. Those are simple facts that the Post is too ideologically compromised to acknowledge.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Al-Baghdadi, American values, attack, deception, disinfo, enemy of the state, fake news, hypocrisy, ISIS, Islamic extremists, Journalism, left cult, lies, mainstream media, Mexican cartel, Mormons, murder, news cartels, propaganda, religious fundamentalist, religious scholar, traditionalism, Washington Post